

罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4452


罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4452


GivePulse is a platform used to engage, organize and understand your positive social impacts. 它允许教师, 工作人员, students and 社区 members to discover 志愿服务机会 both on and off campus, 记录社区活动时间并发布即将到来的活动.


  1. 教师
  2. 工作人员
  3. 学生
  4. 社区成员


不知道从哪里开始? 观看这个GivePulse视频 了解更多关于本次活动和志愿者管理平台的信息.

查看 GivePulse教程 有关使用仪表板的其他信息.




A: 365英国上市官网 wants to build deeper connections across Southeast Michigan. Supporting the work of non-profits in the area and caring for those in need are just some of the many ways we hope to nurture that relationship. GivePulse helps students learn about and sign up for these kinds of opportunities.

We chose GivePulse instead of similar platforms because It is available for anyone, 不仅仅是学生和教师. We can use GivePulse to foster and strengthen our 社区’s spirit of service and engagement. 

Q: I don’t want others to be able to see information about my 社区 engagement. 我如何更改我的隐私设置?

A:在右上角你的名字下面,选择“账户”.” In the account settings menu on the left side of the screen, select “Settings.” The box to set your account to private will be in the middle of the menu. 在离开页面之前点击“保存更改”.

问:我们组的组长换了. 如何将管理员更改为新的管理员?

A: To change administrators for a group, you will need permission from a current administrator. 在“管理组”页面,选择“用户”,然后选择“管理成员”.,从“actions”下拉菜单中选择,,当前管理员可以添加和删除管理员权限.



A:都是365英国上市官网的学生, 教师, and 工作人员 have an existing account with GivePulse and need to claim their account. GivePulse uses OU’s single sign-on, so use your Oakland email and password when logging in.


  1. 访问 奥克兰.givepulse.com.
  2. In the top right-hand corner, click the account management button and select ‘Log In.’
  3. Select ‘Log in via Oakland’ and log in using your Oakland email and password.

如果你想个性化你的帐户, select “Account” from the drop-down menu under your name or image to complete the final steps, 包括你关心的事业和你的技能. Filling out your profile information helps groups find you for events that are relevant to you.



  1. 奥克兰仪表盘页面,选择事件以查看即将发生的、打开的和正在进行的事件 志愿服务机会. 单击事件块以了解有关每个机会的更多信息. 准备好承诺? Select the blue “register” button on the upper right-hand side of the event page.
  2. Click the ‘Explore’ tab on the top right of the screen to search current service opportunities. If you are interested in a particular type of service opportunity or issue area, 你可以在Explore选项卡中搜索.
  3. 对某一特定组织的志愿服务感兴趣? 搜索我们的 子公司 (社区合作伙伴)探索他们的志愿者机会.


A:请与您的现场主管联系,并指导他们到我们的 加入GivePulse页面. 来自网站:

  1. Enter the information for the individual who will be managing the organization’s page
  2. 输入组织的信息
  3. 创造你的第一个志愿者机会(可选)
  4. 点击左下角的“继续”
  5. 一旦你发布了你的组织, students will be able to search for your organization 然后记录他们的服务时间


是的. GivePulse在App Store和Google Play Store都有.



你可以搜索志愿者的机会, 提交服务时间, 并通过应用程序更新您的个人资料. 管理员, 事件经理, and check-in attendants can switch to their admin role in the app by selecting the profile option in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen and selecting ‘Switch to Admin.’ 



  1. 添加来自任何页面或独立服务的影响.
  2. 转到菜单顶部的个人资料,选择“添加影响”.搜索 你志愿服务的组织. 找不到你志愿的地方了吗? 选择“找不到”按钮,完成服务时间的记录. 填写所有必需的信息并提交您的影响.
  3. 添加注册的影响
  4. If you have already registered for an event, you will receive an email notification 跟踪活动,确认你的工作时间. 你可以随时查看事件或班次 registered for by selecting ‘My Activity’ from the menu and selecting ‘Registrations.’



影响: Every time you volunteer, serve or donate (items or monetarily) to a social impact 主动,你就会产生影响. 增加的影响, or “sharing information about what you did in the 社区 that made an impact of some kind” empowers you to record your engagement with the 社区. 影响有助于为报告目的提供数据, 获得关于游戏体验质量的反馈, 更好地理解我们正在做的工作的影响 社区. 了解更多影响.

Hours: These are the total hours you served, including verified and unverified, across different 影响类型,包括志愿服务、培训、会议等.


A: If you want your hours to count for an organization you are serving or a service club, make sure to select them from the share with section when adding a service impact. Your hours will not count toward that organization if you don’t share them. 如果你所有的服务都是作为一个团体的一部分, 组织或服务俱乐部, 你可以自动分享你所有的服务时间.  要做到这一点,请遵循以下步骤:

  1. Once logged into GivePulse, click the “My Groups” tab and find the group you would like to 分享清单上的时间.
  2. 寻找您想要与之共享时间的小组右侧的箭头. 点击下一步的箭头 到该组并选择“更多选项”.”
  3. 勾选“总是分享影响”旁边的复选框.“从现在开始, 当你在志愿者经历后核实你的服务时间, 该组将被自动选中. 

Note: If you do not want certain hours to count for a pre-selected group, you can 在验证服务影响/小时之前,手动取消选择该组. 


A:在大多数情况下, the person running your affiliate (社区 partners) GivePulse page will verify your hours. Otherwise, someone in the 社区参与办事处 will follow up and verify your hours. 如果您有任何关于GivePulse的问题,请给我们发电子邮件 (电子邮件保护).

问:我们组的组长换了. 如何将管理员更改为新的管理员?

A: To change administrators for a group, you will need permission from a current administrator. 在“管理组”页面,选择“用户”,然后选择“管理成员”.,从“actions”下拉菜单中选择,,当前管理员可以添加和删除管理员权限.



A: GivePulse is free of cost for our 子公司 (社区 partners) organizations. 通过建立个人档案, you can create 志愿服务机会 that members of the OU 社区 can sign up to attend. You can also utilize GivePulse as a volunteer management platform to track and promote opportunities for 社区 volunteers.

  1. 加入我们的GivePulse页面
  2. Enter the information for the individual who will be managing the organization’s page
  3. 输入组织的信息
  4. 创造你的第一个志愿者机会(可选)
  5. 点击左下角的“继续”
  6. 一旦你发布了你的组织, students will be able to search for your organization 然后记录他们的服务时间

Q: What’s the difference between shifts and timeslots when creating an event?

A: Shifts are for opportunities where you need volunteers for specific time sets. Shifts allow you to set exactly when the volunteers will start and end their service. 时间段提供更多开放式的机会. Timeslots allow you to set a period of time when the user can volunteer and select when they want to serve. 从早上8点到下午5点,你可能需要志愿者. 义工可选择在上午十时至下午十二时提供服务. Note: You do have the ability to set a minimum number of hours that the user must serve.

问:学生们自愿加入我的小组. 我如何验证它们的影响?

答:有两种方法可以验证影响. 如果您创建了一个学生注册的事件,您可以简单地 签到. If there was no associated event and students reported the hours to you directly, 你可以按照这些指示去做 验证其影响.


答:使用GivePulse,您可以创建自定义的影响报告. 要做到这一点,请从页面指示板开始. Select “影响” from the menu on the left of the screen and then click “Manage 影响.在此页面上,选择“配置布局”。. 这个菜单将允许您选择要查看的项目. Once you have done that, click the blue “Actions” button and then click “Export.” This will give you the option to export all of the data or just the items visible on the page. Once you select your preference, it will export the information into an Excel document.